Coach Heldt's Notes

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Play to win or play to grin

Play to win or play to grin? It's summer hockey, a chance to get out on the ice and have some fun. It's not the regular season where every game counts in some leagues, it's some extra ice time to work on some new moves and improve some old ones. Use your time on the ice during the off-season to build up your skills and confidence while having some fun enjoying one of the greatest sports of all times. Any ice time you can take advantage of during the summer should reinforce skills and good sportsmanship. It also should be a lot of fun for the players. I believe that a break during the off-season is not a bad thing either for both players and parents. It's also a very good idea to not limit yourself to only one sport. Whatever you do remember to do it right. That goes for coaches as well as players. Get all your players out there on the ice, and remember what it's all about.

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