Coach Heldt's Notes

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Team of Twenty

Not a bad weekend. We won our first game against the second place team, and played strong against another strong team after a rough first period.
Our defense was solid this weekend, and we have been outshooting the other teams. The team continues to work hard at practice and during games. The effort is definitely there. Positioning continues to be a major factor in how well we play, as well as passing. Our break outs need work, and our shots need to be stronger and quicker, but we are seeing some improvement. I did put our fourth line out during critical situations where it would have been tempting to run our first or second lines, but every player needs to a chance to experience all kinds of situations, even ones that can make or break. We will continue to play as a team - all 20 players. We have a deep bench and we need to use it to our advantage and not view it as a disadvantage. This means every link in the chain must be strengthened. Sometimes this means tempering under fire. We still have a lot of hockey to play, and we still have room to improve. Although we have some very talented players on this team, it will take the whole team working together to be a force to reckon with.

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