Coach Heldt's Notes

Monday, October 20, 2008

Snacking Pizza

It was a long week. I was in the city for a few days, which usually means a lot of walking. I don’t mind going to the city for work, but I don’t think I could live there for too long. I know I get a lot of exercise from all the walking. Driving around the city isn’t too bad, but parking is. That makes walking a little more practical. I think I ended up walking 5 to 6 miles each day. I avoided Times Square as much as possible. It’s something to see, but its too crowded and there is no reason for me to really go there. New York is a fascinating city, but I like where I live now. Anything I need is right here, and that usually means something to do with hockey and lacrosse. New York is full of little pizza parlors, and of course If I’m in the city I have to have a slice of pizza, but I’m starting to think the best pizza is right here in the Syracuse area. I guess you don’t know what you’re missing unless you try something new every once in awhile. Then maybe you find out that what you already have is pretty good after all.Yesterday my wife and I drove down to Finger Lakes to watch Devin and the rest of this years Cannoneers team play in a tournament for college fall ball. JCC was pretty good last year, but this year’s team looks extremely strong and they proved it. JCC has a lot of talented players returning and some new ones who add to the team’s strength quite nicely. I’m seeing the same thing with this year’s Bantams. We have a lot of talent and a lot of speed. Most importantly, we have a real good bunch of kids that are very coachable. I got home from New York just in time to grab my skates and stick then drive to the rink to make it out onto the ice for practice. That’s pretty good timing I think. It’s nice to home, now if it would only snow.

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