Another season, another set of challenges and a lot of hard work ahead, but that’s what makes this sport so great. Nothing worth going after is ever easy; if it were then there’d be no magic left in the game. Sure, there are always two roads you can travel. You can take the walk in the park, or you can climb the mountain. When I started out working on a crew at the power company my old foreman used to tell me to pack a big lunch the night before we’d take on a real tough job. I thought I was a pretty tough kid before I started working on the river, but I soon found out I had a lot to learn, and working hard long days and nights made for unforgettable lessons in life. You haven’t worked till you’ve worked with a lunch box crew. We’d take on jobs that I could never imagine mortal man could accomplish, but we’d get them done, and they would be done right. You might be tired and your body might ache every night, but when those flood gates opened up and those generators started spinning power out onto the grid you knew you did good. I’d see more of my crewmates than I did my own family. We each depended on each other, and everyone had to pull their own weight. It was hard work, but it paid off in the end. Just a lunch box crew slugging away. I don’t see that too often anymore, but when you see a lacrosse team or a hockey team that works hard every minute on the ice, and works together each pulling their own weight for a common goal – then that’s a lunch box crew. You won’t just see it during a game either. A real lunch box crew works hard in practice because they know what the pay off can be. You work hard together; you’ll play well together. I’ll watch teams like this do amazing things on the field and on the ice. They always look like they are having fun too, imagine that! Hockey and lacrosse should always be fun, not because it’s easy, but because you love the game and what it takes to be a great player and a great team. This season is not going to be a walk in the park, so make sure you pack a good lunch.
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