Just after midnight the storm front started sweeping across the state It made it’s way across the big lake and then on to our lake making it’s presence known with heavy rain, strong winds, and thunder. I used to enjoy the storms, but now it usually means my phone will ring. It did, and I began my day earlier than I would like. I headed into the city hoping I could get done in time to head north and watch the Cannoneers play. Nic was heading to Horse Heads early in the morning with the CNS Varsity team. I got done in plenty of time I thought, but Devin called to say the game had been moved up an hour. No rest for the wicked, so we headed back up towards the land of ice and snow for the noon game. It was worth it, JCC was back in their game and dominated the field. They are a young team, but they continue to improve the way they move the ball. WDT Article This season I have seen the team become stronger and more confident each game that I have been able to get to. I think lot of the credit goes to the coaching staff that continues to push this team to their full potential. People are starting to take note that this program has a ton of potential to continue growing. There is a lot of talent in the land of ice and snow. I like the idea that the Cannoneers are shaking things up a bit.
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