Coach Heldt's Notes

Sunday, September 12, 2010

One more shot

The prospect of creating a U16 team has arisen, and now we wait to see if all concerned parties wish to go in this direction for the season. It could place the team in a situation where we find ourselves playing some very strong opponents. The idea of playing against stronger and/or a few selected teams with a lunchbox crew made up of midgets and bantams has a certain ring of "David vs Goliath" about it. I actually like that, but it does require a lot of nerve and grit on the players part, not to mention the parents. It is nothing new to me to work as the underdog, but I do think I owe a lot to pure luck when I do find the types of players who step up to take on such challenges. I often get asked why I don't just select a top notch team. For me it's more rewarding to build a great team out of players who might not yet know the extent of what they can accomplish. Great seasons are seasons of progress, not a glide to the finish. I never liked that, and I learned a long time ago to avoid such pitfalls of the easy road. I do consider this to be a select team in the fact that the players have selected to sign on. My job and that of the other coaches will be to make this a great team and bring out the best in each player's ability as a player and as a team member. So we once again start out with no promises other than to try. Do I know the future? No, but I do have faith in the players I saw on the ice today. Everything could change over the next few weeks. I could find that we do in fact have enough to field two teams, but at this time the U16 looks to be the only workable solution if we do in fact stay at or near this current roster. I only know that I will show up and do all I can with what we have. It could in fact wind up being the best season ever. You just never know unless you give it a shot. There's too many Canadians and Dutchmen in my family tree not to give it a shot.

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