Coach Heldt's Notes

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Trooper

Before the start of today's game I had the benefit of overhearing some comments about the chances of our team against our opponent who most notably did win a very decisive victory against us on our last encounter. It is true that we have faced some very strong competition in this new league, but it is also noted that each game has seen the team grow stronger, faster, quicker, and wiser on the ice little by little. Given a choice I would rather play against stronger teams as we have been than going after easy victories which after a while seem quite hollow and boring. To go out on the ice against stronger competition where the odds are often weighted against us is frustrating at times, yet when we play well such situations offer up an honorable effort that shows as the team continues to improve their game. Hockey is after all made up of battles for the puck in front of the net and in the corners. These are challenges that require perseverance, courage, and effort to gain control of the puck and subsequently control of the game. The players who never give up and push on even though the odds may be against them are the players that I have the utmost respect for. Each line leaves the bench and gives their all each second of each shift. This is the kind of hockey I consider the most exciting and rewarding whether we win or lose. To have played like champions is the best way to honor the game. We have already seen that playing a weaker opponent is not much fun, playing the stronger teams and playing them well is rewarding in more ways than simply ratcheting up points on a scoreboard. To go up against a stronger opponent does take a certain amount of courage and bravery. I suspect both are considered one in the same. We did not have anything to do with who is in this level, but we did agree to play whoever we are scheduled against, and in doing so we will do our best knowing these are considered the stronger teams. So far we have done very well, and today only exemplified the fact that we can play competitively at this level. Today's goal tending by both net tenders was incredible and amazing to watch. Each line worked extremely hard every second of every shift. Passing had improved greatly since our last encounter against our opponent, and there was more teamwork and better checking than we have seen all season. This team does not shy away from meeting their opponents head on. Earlier this season I was very impressed by some of our player's skills, it has been the level of effort and determination displayed by each player that has been the most impressive and probably will be the most memorable quality of the team.

“When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wonder'd.
Honour the charge they made!
Honour the Light Brigade, “

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Is honor only in victory or in facing the challenge?

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