Coach Heldt's Notes

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Horns go out of tune as Midstate wins at home

The visitors’ horns were blowing in the stands, but it wasn’t enough to hold back our team for a victory at our home rink. The team played well and our forwards were on their game. Passing and setting up shots around the goal was much better this game than our last, and it was evident that we were able to set the tempo of the game a little higher than our opponents may have liked. We have focused a lot on playing smart down low and taking advantage of open ice. This has opened our game up a little more, and it is something we need to continue working at. Our captains provided a lot of notable leadership during and after the game. Emotions were high and it was evident that there was a lot of frustration directed at the team, but it was important to note that it was better to focus on playing well than to allow the team to lose focus. I liked the way we played this game, but as always there will still be a few things we will constantly work to improve. It’s always nice to win at home, and the team proved that they can compete well at this level. There’s still a lot of hockey waiting for us, so we will continue working on our game tomorrow at practice.

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